What’s the shipping countries, cost, and estimated delivery time?
Please find these info on the Checkout page, the Shipping Fee calculation tool will help you to check the info very conveniently, you just need to simply selecting your shipping country.
Usually we will send your package out within 3 business days, and the package will arrive you within 15-30 business days.
How do I track my order?
You will receive an automatically generated e-mail including the package's tracking number and tracking link as soon as the item has been dispatched. You can check your order status there.
What is your Returns & Exchanges policy?
We have a 14-days Return/Exchange Policy. If you are not totally satisfied with your purchase, you can return it for refund or exchange according to our "Returns & Exchanges" policy.
Can I change or cancel my order?
If you want to cancel or change your order, please email to service@sewtechstore.com immediately with your requested changes. Typically, our orders take one business day to process. We can make changes before the item(s) have been shipped out.
What payment ways do you accept?
You can choose to pay with PayPal, Visa, MasterCard and American Express cards.
I'd like to become a dealer/re-seller, who should I contact?
Thank you for your interest in sharing our products to the world! Please send email to service@sewtechstore.com and our sales representative will get back to you as soon as possible.